How to earn money from a blog.

Very many people have tried doing very many online jobs with the prime objective of cashing something good from them. Online jobs are there, they are being done and people earn cash from them, myself included. I have come across many online sites that pay very well for well-done jobs. Ranging from the popular freelancing, writing articles for websites, playing games and earning, being paid to click and even for participating in forums among others.

Sites that pay online in Kenya.

Kenya is one of the African nations where internet use is very high. With this and the unemployment crisis hitting the country at the moment, online jobs have been one of the surest ways to earn in Kenya. Many online sites provide information on how to earn online but there are no proper information on the sites that pay online in Kenya.
Here is  a list of those sites that pay online in Kenya. Visit these sites and you can also seek more information by commenting here in.
Comment on any questions and clarrifications if any.
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